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_Let's talk a bit about my approach of design

The photo on the left is a part of a project, it depicts what I would bring for an unexpected journey. It was a real introspection, on the personal as well as on the design aspect. 


Design takes quite a big place in my life, even on my free time. It's a passion, that makes me constantly wonder "why is this thing like this, how is it made ?".


If I had to sum up my approach of design, I'd say it is through the use, the process and the materials. I enjoy conceiving a project through sketching, when the ideas come up on the paper, the shape as well as the solution to the problem I'm trying to solve appear over the pages. One of the most exciting parts in designing something is crafting, when the idea becomes an actual volume, anticipating the process and the issues that might come up. I like to have a contact with the material, to work it.. 

About me personaly now_

My name is Matthias Goulard, I was born in a town near Paris.


I got interested in the making of products at a very early age, in the process as well as in the shape and the use. This led me to study industrial design from secondary school until now, increasing my knowledge about the technical aspect of design, and developping my drawing and modeling skills. After I passed my baccalaureat I decided to specialize myself in Industrial Design. I'm really excited about solving people daily-life issues through the use, making a product better, more respectful. Since my ERASMUS in Finland, I've fell for the Northern way of life, and its design culture, I'm now willing to move over there, where I feel I belong.


On my free time I do boxing, cycling, sketching and visit a lot of cultural exhibitions. I try to have a way of living as healthy as possible, body as well as mind. I intend to earn my living doing my passion, and where I want, so I will never have to work.  

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